Who is Ryszard Matuszewski?

Ryszard Matuszewski (Swami Baba Lalit Mohan G.K.) represents Hindu religion and its traditional methods of spiritual development derived from India. He is the head of shivaic part of Hinduism called the Himavanti Confraternity Order, which is congregation of people practicing tantra, yoga and cult methods of spiritual development.

In February 1983 He received his initiation into Laya Yoga from the hands of Swami Baba Shyam Charan Shivananda from Darjeeling, through direct transmission (Dikshan - Darshan), which took place in the Holy Presence of His Guru. He was granted the right to spread the ancient teachings and practices in 1986, when he started conducting courses on chakras. Since 1989 he has also been imparting initiatory transmissions concerning the ancient path of Laya Yoga, as he is one of numerous teachers in the West who have the full powers of transmission, covering the entire Himavanti path of Laya Yoga. Apart from his spiritual activities he is also an ecologist, a philosopher, a poet and a writer. He is a member of many different international organizations set up to help people and to propagate either science or moral and ethical values. Himavanti Confraternity Order is a mysterious and esoteric shivaic order which continues the spiritual teachings of the ancient Laya Yoga or, as some would call it, the mysterious knowledge and practices with chakras. The Himavanti Confraternity Order has been operating in Poland since the year 1983 and remains the biggest esoteric school of spiritual development based on the mystery of the traditional shivaic yoga and Sanathana Dharma – the eternal Vedic knowledge.

Since 1996 till now he is a victim of controlled, hateful propaganda and battue lead by anti-sect centers and catholics activist who aim at liquidation of moves promoting philosophy of East, Yoga, Hinduism, Shivaism, New Age, ecology.

He was born in February 1962 under the water tiger and air aquarius zodiac signs simultaneously. He has been involved in a vast range of activities associated with spiritual development, including esoterics, aikido, yoga and sufi, since the year 1978. In February 1983 He received his initiation into Laya Yoga from the hands of Swami Baba Shyam Charan Shivananda from Darjeeling, through direct transmission (Dikshan - Darshan), which took place in the Holy Presence of His Guru. He was granted the right to spread the ancient teachings and practices in 1986, when he started conducting courses on chakras. Since 1989 he has also been imparting initiatory transmissions concerning the ancient path of Laya Yoga, as he is one of innumerous teachers in the West who have the full powers of transmission, covering the entire Himavanti path of Laya Yoga.

The Himavanti Confranternity Order is a mysterious and esoteric shivaic order which continues the spiritual teachings of the ancient Laya Yoga or, as some would call it, the mysterious knowledge and practices with chakras. Spiritual knowledge and Symbolic Mysticism constitute the basic introduction to the path of fiery centres of energy, and in the contemporary world there are plenty of confused and inauthentic teachings devoted to these topics. Only a Spiritual Master (Karana Guru) may genuinely initiate one into this knowledge and practices concerning chakras. Lalit Mohan G.K. (Ryszard Matuszewski) is the only Polish Leader and Spiritual Teacher, who received an authentic transmission of this ancient Vedic knowledge and practice from his Guru, Swami Baba Shivananda from Darjeeling, who is Mahadguru (the Great Master) or Parama Guru (The Highest Teacher) of the Franternity of Layas, which constitutes the elite of yogis. Shyam Charan Swami Baba Shivananda G.P. comes from Kashmir, from the Leh region, and he settled down in in a Himalayan hermitage north of Darjeeling. The Appearance of a Teacher who is the successor of knowledge and practice coming from the Divine Celebrity Shri Shivananda G.P. marked the beginning of an infinite ocean of blessings which poured on the Master.

Amongst other significant spiritual mentors of Lalit Mohan G.K. (Ryszard Matuszewski) is the Sufi Spiritual Master Pir Akbar Suachani al-Hadjij, as well as teachers and spiritual masters such as Diana Holland, Murshid Atum O’Kane or Pir Vilayat. Another spiritual mentor of lalit Mohan G.K. is also a great Tamil Mahasiddha and Avatar, Gurudeva Swami Premananda Maharaj. Needless to mention the late Japanese Master Yichihara Imoto, who made it possible for Him to delve into the mysteries of ki energy, aikido, O’motokyo, kiatsu, mudra, reiki, as well as other secrets of eastern arts. The priority of a Spiritual Master of Laya Yoga is to eliminate the sufferings and burden of Samsara which rests on His disciples and followers by resorting to the spiritual practice process. Karana Guru introduces his initiated students into the power of Mahavakya (Words of Potency), as well as into the awareness of Tattvamasi (I Am This). Everyone who relies on the grace of his Guru attains health and liberation.


More information:
CONTACT with Ryszard Matuszewski
P.O. Box 247; 44-100 Gliwice 1; Poland

DONATE for victim of persecutions
Ryszard Matuszewski
Bank: BRE Bank - mBank, Poland
Account No: PL 48 1140 2004 0000 3102 3623 1989