This website is dedicated to Ryszard Matuszewski (master of yoga, spiritual lider of one of the Hindu religious minorities in Poland) and his long-time persecutions by the Polish authorities, fascist organisations and agendas of inquisition widely known as anti-sect centres. On the website you can find out who Ryszard Matuszewski is, learn many details about his persecutions and how to help. You can also read many articles about inquisition and press reports about persecution of different people and religious/other minorities by fascist organisations, Polish authorities and anti-sect agendas in Poland!
We are appealing against religious persecutions of Hindu Himavanti Confraternity Order, its Head Ryszard Matuszewski (Paramahansa Lalit Mohan Baba-Ji) who is currently imprisoned, and other leaders of the HCO who are persecuted in democratic country, which Poland claims to be. We are asking for help, support and intercession in the never-ending and strengthening discriminations of Ryszard Matuszewski and the Himavanti Confranternity Order. All information are included in Chronology of Persecutions. Different kinds of actions against the HCO have been lasting for almost 10 years now! In Poland it is impossible to obtain any help.

On the picture above: demonstration against persecutions of Ryszard Matuszewski,
regional prosecutor's office, Warsaw
regional prosecutor's office, Warsaw
1. Ryszard Mohan Matuszewski – yogi, pacifist, socialist, ecologist, philosopher, writer, poet (author of few thousand pages of texts about Yoga, Ecology, Spirituality and Culture of East), active and radical protector of animal's rights. Actively and decidedly contrasts against all non-tolerance (racial or religious), social oppression, poverty and backwardness!!! GREEN DEMOCRACY promoter (state without any violence), for which Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi had fought!!!
2. Ryszard Matuszewski is persecuted for his "inconvenient" views, for active promoting Sivah Yoga all over Poland, for his constant fight with non-tolerance, loud criticizing social injustice and exploitation, revealing misuses of rights by judges and prosecutors, for criticizing and revealing dishonourable acts of inquisition!
3. Since 1996 till now he is a victim of controlled, hateful propaganda and battue lead by anti-sect centers and activist who aim at liquidation of moves promoting philosophy of East, Yoga, Hinduism, Shivaism, New Age, ecology, etc. A consequence of this enlarged by media (TV, press) propaganda is intensification of persecution of Ryszard Matuszewski and all members of Himavanti Confraternity Order (where he is a leader). They are persecuted by Police, Central Inquiring Department and anonymous bandits as well. Ryszard Matuszewski was often beaten till loosing consciousness by policemen (in arrest, in prison), what can be certified by people who have lived with him in one cell. He was imprisoned for years in hard conditions, without any sentence and kept in lunatic asylum in Rybnik (where he was stuffed with very dangerous psychotropic medicines – to make him silent forever) despite many psychiatric opinions confirming his good psychical health.
4. Line of controlled attacks on him seems to be endless! These attacks are aimed for strong and charismatic person, what Ryszard Mohan Matuszewski is like, and they aim for eliminating him from public life. Till now he has been groundlessly imprisoned for over 5 years, and persecution for him has begun in 1996, when he had tried to register Himavanti Confraternity Order as a communion in former Department of confessions by the cabinet.
5. We firmly protest against persecution of Ryszard Matuszewski casting aspersions on Himavanti Confraternity Order! We protest against manipulation of public opinion, which has caused cruel persecutions of Ryszard Matuszewski and members of Himavanti Confraternity Order and their families!
6. Ryszard Matuszewski as a yogi and pacifist had never used psychical of physical violence against anybody, and accusing him for planning an assassination on pope John Paul the Second and for attempts of disturbing following pilgrimages of Benedict XVI is nothing else but a manipulation of anti-cultural and apologetic centers. Nowadays, intensification of propaganda is so strong, that even the most absurd, made-up nonsense about Ryszard Matuszewski and Himavanti Confraternity Order – is immediately considered as a fact. Furthermore this is a cause of series of persecutions, repressions, and groundless and unjust imprisoning of Ryszard. All these and many similar actions are unfortunately examples of totalitarianism, not the democracy!
7. We demand immediate discontinuation of persecutions and repressions of Ryszard Matuszewski!!! We demand liberating yogi and pacifist, ecologist and philosopher, defender of Human Rights – Ryszard Mohan Matuszewski, and stopping the hateful media propaganda, started and supported by socially harmful fascist organisations and anti-sect Centers!!!
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